Crystal Underground
Rainbow Soul Features the online LGBTQIA+ owned shop – “Crystal Underground” and we are excited to be looking at crystals and more online. We will also chat about crystals in magick!
The Crystal Underground is a joint project that came about by a love of the earth’s minerals and New Age Shops. Run by spouses Myk (he/him) and Velvet (she/her), each of us run and maintain different aspects of the business. You can find us Monday, Thursday, and Sunday nights on Facebook live (CrystalUnderground AndMore on Facebook) at 9pm EST. We’re just starting to branch out into working on Instagram (TheCrystalUnderground), we’ll be posting more content and live sales as we develop our page there. You can find polished minerals, raw specimens, carvings, tools/talismans for many faiths, candles, incense, and other curios. We are proudly Pagan and LGBT+ run and our pages and live sales are an inclusive, safe space.