The Deep Magick of the Tarot
March 17, 2022
This Week on Rainbow Soul – Psychic Cindy (She/her) & Cricket (they/them) with Hollis Taylor (They/them) and LeKross Ortiz (he/him) to discuss the powerful magick of the Tarot. We will all be discussing the power of the tarot, how it can help us, the history and where it came from and where it’s headed. Including discussion about non-binary archetypes in the Tarot.
You can learn more about Psychic Cindy @ https://www.youtube.com/user/ThePsychicCindy
You can connect with Hollis @ www.DivineAndrogyne.com
You can learn more about Cricket at http://www.laughingladybug.com/

Herb Magick
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