Season 2 Contests
Rainbow Soul Kicks off Season 2!
Exciting Contests! Prizes and Fun planned for 2022!
Subscribe to Rainbow Soul newsletter and watch out for it in your email! WHY? Well inside that newsletter will be a MAGICK WORD! Each newsletter with a new MAGICK WORD – if you know the word when we ask for it, you can simply put it in the comments, first commenter gets a free Rainbow Soul Sticker.
-The platforms will keep the time of your post, and this will determine who wins.
-If 2 or more people all say it within the same ‘minute’ according to the platforms, everyone gets a sticker
-You can win up to 3 different times! 3 different stickers (Nonbinary, Transgender, Queer)
-Rainbow Soul will contact you through message depending on the platform you commented during the live to get your address/mailing information for your sticker. (we do not share any of this information including your email – but you will receive Rainbow Soul Newsletter, but you can always unsubscribe)
PRIDE Month Contest! Celebrate PRIDE with Rainbow Soul
WIN A FREE T-SHirt from Rainbow Soul your own custom Size and style. Simply make a short video 30sec-3mins, post it on social media and tag #RainbowSoulVodcast so we can find you. Answer one simple question “What does Pride mean to you?” Answer that question in a 30 second to 3 min video, tag #RainbowSoulVodcast and post on your social media of choice. Email with a link to your post to be sure your entered into the contest. At the end of Pride month we will pick a winner and that winner will choose their own style, size, color tshirt! Celebrate Pride with Rainbow Soul Vodcast! We want to hear from YOU!
This Could be done on:
-Tumblr (blog post alos acceptable)
Support Rainbow Soul
Write a 2-3 sentence review on any platform that hosts Rainbow Soul. Take a Screenshot and email to – Each Review gets a sticker of your choice. This can be done once on each platform, per person. Platforms include Facebook, Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, Apple Podcast or comment on our website.
-Follow & Comment on Twitch instead of a review